Greetings dear Erasmus Students,
so the semester already began, and we know the stress that implies the first days... Going around with barely no idea where your next class is, switching buildings, wondering why is so f***** complicate to use properly the Plus-Online and choose your subjects...
So, bad news: we can not change that BUT good news! what we can offer you is the perfect excuse to make a beer together and explain your first erasmus adventures in Salzburg after the first month and a half!
Do not even doubt about it! Come to the International Stammtisch at Augustiner Bräau in hall 4 organized by ESN Uni Salzburg!
We hope to see you all there :)
Your ESN Uni Salzburg Team
30/03/2017 - 19:30 to 23:00
Augustiner Bräu (Müllner)
Lindhofstraße 7
5020 Salzburg