Havana Cocktailbar (Priesterhausgasse 14, 5020 Salzburg) 
On Sundays and Mondays you'll get:
- all standard Cocktails for € 5,-- instead of their regular price
if you show your ESNcard to the bartenders.
More information about the bar here.
watzmann | cultbar lounge garden (Giselakai 17A, 5020 Salzburg) 
On Thursdays you'll get:
- Beer for only € 2,10 instead of € 3,60
- Spritzer (white wine mixed with sparkling water) for only € 2,10 instead of € 3,20
- Cocktails for € 4,50 instead of the regular price (until 24h)
- Shots: Pay 1, get 2! (until 24h)
- Smirnoff Boot (Smirnoff Wodka 0,7l + 6 Red Bulls) for only € 50,-
if you show your ESNcard to the bartenders.
More information about the bar here.
Gilli's One Room Bar (Imbergstraße 11, 5020 Salzburg) 
On Thursdays & Sundays you'll get:
- Stiegl Beer (0,3l) for € 2,90 instead of € 3,60
- Spritzer weiß (white wine mixed with sparkling water) for € 2,60 instead of € 3,20
- Nusserl (Austrian Nut Liquor; 2cl) for € 2,50 instead of € 3,20
if you show your ESNcard to the bartenders.
More information about the bar here.
VRESH (Clothing) 
In their online shop or in their stores in Upper Austria (Vresh Store Eferding or at their current Pop-Up-Store in Linz, Mozartstraße 15 until 30.12) you'll get:
- 10% off on all their items or
- 20% off, if your purchase is more than € 100,--
f you show your ESNcard to the cashier or mention it in the online shop.
More information about the brand here.
HOLI Festival der Farben Salzburg
When you're buying your ticket for the HOLI Festival in Salzburg, you'll get:
- a discount of € 5,-- for your ticket (€ 15,-- instead of € 20,--)
if you successfully finished the pre-registration for our ESN Event. You just have to tell us, if you have an ESNcard, and if you do, you'll get the ticket cheaper!
More information about the Festival here.
There are more discounts to come soon! As we are a pretty young section, we still are working on the discounts for you :)